Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Configuring check_mk_agent for the Linux host

CHECK_MK_AGENT is the OMD(Open monitoring distribution) client for the Linux and windows host, check_mk_agent collect the necessary information from the host, check_mk_agent open the logical port 6556 on which the OMD server connects to this port to collect the necessary information. There are various way to install this agent. The simplest one is to download the check_mk_agent from the monitoring sites and install it. If you haven't installed the OMD server you can look the post  on Installing and configuring the OMD monitoring server in Linux  . So, I have created the bcmonitoring system. I will log in into this server and download the check_mk_aget as shown in  the figure below.

After downloading the check_mk_agent, we need to install xinetd, on which check_mk_agent depend upon. So let us install the xinetd package as shown below

sudo apt-get install xinetd
sudo systemctl enable xinetd
sudo systemctl start xinetd
ok, we got the pre-requisite package of check_mk_agent, now let us install the check_mk_agent.
sudo dpkg -i check-mk-agent_1.2.6p12-1_all.deb
Now, let us configure the check_mk_agent, we need to configure in such a way that, the OMD server has the only privilege to access the 6556 port of the monitored host. The configuration file is located under /etc/xinetd.d/check_mk, so let us open this file
sudo vim /etc/xinetd.d/check_mk
From the above file add the following line to allow the OMD server to access the 6556 port
only_from     =
The IP address written above is the Ip address of an OMD server.
so, after making this changes, we need to restart the xinetd daemon.
sudo systemctl restart xinetd
After configuring the check_mk_agent, we need to register this host to our OMD server, which can be done from OMD server, as shown below.

After adding this host to our server, let us check the status of this host in OMD server.

so, here everything is ok, when there is something wrong, OMD server will show you the warning or error messages, you can check from the central dashboard.

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